How to Characterize Key Carbon Nanotube Properties

Carbon-based nanomaterials have been in vogue in the research community since the discovery of graphene. When Professors Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov first isolated monolayer carbon, it effectively heralded the beginning of two-dimensional materials research. Scientists continue to innovate 2D carbon structures due to the material’s advantageous electromechanical and thermal properties. One such breakthrough structure is the carbon nanotube (CNT). 

What is an Imaging Photometer?

An imaging photometer is an instrument used to measure visible light according to how the human eye perceives it. It is based on photometry, which measures an object's brightness and the human visual response to light. Imaging photometers are frequently used in astronomy and science applications. This blog post will provide an overview of what an imaging photometer is, its applications and the benefits it offers when coupled with a microscope to become a microscope imaging photometer.

Why Choose a Confocal Raman System?

Confocal Raman microscopy (CRM) enables analysts to obtain a highly magnified view of a sample, which includes information about depth and structures. This method is ideal for in-depth Raman analysis and provides the highest spatial resolution of any other microscopy technique. This blog post will provide an overview of confocal Raman systems and how choosing one could benefit various applications.

How is Film Thickness Measured?

A thin film thickness measurement is made by measuring the interference between the light from the top interface ad the bottom interface. Essentially, a thin film is a type of layered material that has a variety of thickness ranges. The main reason why you may need to understand thickness measurements is so you can have complete control over the creation of optimal product functions and designs. This includes microspectrophotometers for microscopic sampling areas, where you need the right thickness measurement tools. Here is what you need to know when making a thin film measurement.

What is Resonance Raman Spectroscopy?

Raman spectroscopy is an analytical method fundamentally concerned with inelastically scattered light, which indicates a critical interaction between light and matter. This information is crucial for many applications. By examining the scattered light, analysts can obtain in-depth details about a sample's chemical structure and molecular interactions. This technique provides numerous benefits to its intended applications. However, it can be drastically improved by using resonance Raman spectroscopy. This blog post will overview resonance Raman spectroscopy and its applications.  


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